Special Bred Heifer & Cow Auction

12/19/2022 all-day






4              Reg. Angus Bulls-20-24 Months Old-Sires, Enhance, Remedy & 10X                     SANDSTONE PRAIRIE RANCH

1              Jersey Heifers-Bred Hereford-Calf April 1                                                                     RICHARD SCHMIDT


190         Bwf & Angus Heifers-(30) Bwf AI’d  New Addition (60) Bwf & Angus AI’d

Tahoe-Calf Feb 23rd-(100) Bwf & Angus Bred Final Answer sons-Calf Mar 5th

To Apr 1st                                                                                                                              C BAR CATTLE

100         Angus Heifers-AI’d New Addition-Calf Feb 145h for 1 day-one raising  -Both

Scour Shot                                                                                                                            TNT CATTLE

83           Angus Heifers-(58) AI’d 44 Farms Braggin Rights-Calf Feb 15th for 3 days-

(25) Ostrand Angus Bull-Calf Mar 1 for 21 days-1ST Scour Shot & Poured            DAN & PEG HURLBURT

80           Bwf F1X Heifers-(52) AI’d 44 Farms Braggin Rights-Calf Feb 15th for 3 days

(28) Bred Ostrand Angus-Calf Mar 1st for 21 day-1st Scour Shot-& Poured            JUSTIN & CASI HURLBURT

71           Angus Heifers-AI’d Montana honcho-Calf Mar 1st                                                    DUSTY PAXTON

70           Angus Simm Heifers-Bred TJ Chief, TJ 50K, TJ Easy Rain-Calf Jan 28th for

1 day-1st Scour Shot                                                                                                            NAHKUNST FAMILY FARMS

60           Angus Heifers-Bred Angus-Calf Mar 15th-Vac & Mineral-Comp Disp                     CURTIS OVERMILLER

45           Angus Heifers-AI’d Power Point-Calf Feb 23rd  for 1 day                                           SPIKE BOX RANCH & OPEN


45           Angus Heifers-Bred Connealy Angus-Calf Feb 20 for 40 days                                 RODNEY LAMB

45           Angus Bwf Heifers-Bred Bismark-Calf Feb 25th for 45 days                                     D & B NIENHAUSER FARMS

25           Bwf F1X Heiers-AI’d Cross Bow-Calf Mar 1st-Clean up Angus for 45 days           SAM & MARK KUSAK

21           Angus Heifers-Bred Turning Point & Casino Bomber Sons-Calf Mar 4 for

45days                                                                                                                                  CARL & NATHAN LARSON

5              Angus Heifers-Bred Angus, Red Angus or Hereford-Calf Feb 1st for 75 days         DICK SCHMIDT

5              Angus Heifers-Bred Angus-                                                                                               SANDSTONE PRAIRIE RANCH

3              Red Angus X Heifers-Bred Red Angus-Calf Mar 20                                                    RAYMOND AREHART


275         Angus Cows-Bred Angus-Calf Mar 1st-2nd & 3rd Calf few 4th Calf                             FLYING S

195         Red Angus Simm X Cows-Bred Red Angus-Simm-Cal May 15-Young to

Broken-Comp Disp                                                                                                             STEVE LEININGER

163         Angus Bwf & Rwf Cows-Bred Angus, Hereford or Gelv-Calf Mar 1st-Young

To Broken-Comp Disp                                                                                                       MARILYN RAGER

120         Angus X Cows-Bred Angus-Calf Mar 1st-2nd Calf to Solid                                          MITCH PANKOKE

90           Angus Cows-Bred Angus-Calf Mar 1st-Solid & Older-Dispersion                               LEE ANDERSON

80           Angus Cows-Bred Angus-Calf Mar 15th-2nd & 3rd Calf-Vac & Mineral

Program-Comp Disp of Young Cows                                                                              CURTIS OVERMILLER

80           Angus Ang X & few Char Cows-Bred Angus-Calf Mar 1 for 60 days-Partial

Dispersion                                                                                                                             DILLON & DARCY OLSON

70           Red Angus Cows-Bred Red Angus-Calf Mar 1 for 60 days-(45) 5 to 7 Yrs Old

Balance Short Solid to Broken-Partial Disp                                                                   DWIGHT JONES

60           Angus Bwf Cows-Bred Blk Balancer Bull-Calf Mar 1st-5 Yrs to Broken                 COLE ELPLEY & WYATT THAYER

60           Angus & Red Angus Cows-Bred Angus-Calf Feb 10th-3 to 5 Yrs Old                        KENT SMITH

45           Angus X Cows-Bred Angus/Red Angus/Hereford-Calf Feb 1st for 75 days             DICK SCHMIDT

45           Angus Cows-Bred Angus-Calf Feb 10th-Solid to Broken                                             RYAN BELGUM

40           Bwf Cows-Bred Char-Calf Mar 1-Broken Mouth                                                        K & N MAC FARMS

40           Angus & Red Ang Heifers & Cows-Bred Red Ang-Calf Mar 15th-Comp.Disp        GENE & LINDA HIMMELBERG

25           Red Angus Cows-Bred Red Angus-Calf Feb 20th-Short Term                                    HOSTETLER BROS

25           Angus X Cows-Bred Balancer-Calf Jan 25th-Broken Mouth                                      PAT & JOSH FAIMON

18           Angus/Rwf/Bwf & Here Cows-Bred Angus-Calf Mar 20 for 55 days-Solid            LEE ROSENTREADER

16           Anguis & Red Angus X Cows-Bred Balancer-Calf May-June-4 Yrs to Broken      RUSS & ANNETTE BLOOM

15           Angus Cows-Bred Angus-Calf Mar 1-Solid to Broken                                 TOM & BECKY BANDUR

10           Red Angus Cows-Bred Red Angus-Calf Mar 20-2nd to Solid                                      RAYMOND AREHART

5              Angus Cows-Bred Angus-(3) 3 Yrs Old, (2) 9 & 10 Yrs                                                SANDSTONE PRIAIRIE RANCH